Ribbon Cutting – California Jazz Foundation

Mary Pickford Theater 36850 Pickfair St., Cathedral City, CA, United States

Join us in welcoming the California Jazz Foundation to The Chamber at their Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.

Ribbon Cutting – Chula Artisan Eatery

Chula Artisan Eatery 47150 Washington Street, Suite B, La Quinta, CA, United States

The La Quinta Chamber board request your attendance in welcoming Chula Artisan Eatery to The GCVCC at their Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.

Business Walk – Palm Desert

Cambria El Paseo 73520 El Paseo, Palm Desert, CA, United States

Business Walk - Palm Desert Meet at; Cambria 42210 Cook St. Palm Desert, CA. 92211

Lunch Bunch-The Shop Cafe

The Shop Cafe 14500 Palm Drive, Desert Hot Springs, CA, United States

The only cost to you is your lunch. Please RSVP to Debby Valdez 760-347-0676 x 141 or email debby.valdez@gcvcc.org