WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce today announced the organization’s final investments into the 2016 election cycle with a significant and highly targeted digital campaign promoting the Vote For Jobs platform in key Senate races. The Chamber is also partnering with businesses, chambers of commerce, and trade associations to engage their employees and members across the country on the importance of voting.
“In the remaining days there’s a lot to do in the battle for a pro-business, pro-growth Senate and House,” said U.S. Chamber President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue. “The business community has a powerful voice and we are committed to getting the right people elected who will put the right policies in place to grow our economy and create jobs. We head into Election Day with a solid chance to achieve our objectives, but we need members of the business community to give us one more week of their support, resources, and all-out effort to get out the vote.”
In the final days of the election, the Chamber is boosting get-out-the-vote efforts and deploying every tool available to protect pro-business majorities in both chambers of Congress.
The Vote For Jobs platform is the largest and most sophisticated get-out-the-vote effort in the Chamber’s history. The site features online resources with state specific information, including tools to register, check your registration status, find polling places, access in person early voting locations and hours, and request absentee ballots. With more than 22 million people who have already voted in this election, the outcome of key races may be determined before Election Day. To ensure the business community is represented, the Chamber is aggressively advertising in battleground states with a focus on early voting.
“The business community has an important role in reminding our collective networks of job creators and employees of the stakes leading into November 8,” said Rich Studley, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Committee of 100 and president and CEO of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce. “Through the partnership of chambers of commerce across the country, we’re are working to ensure every citizen exercises their right and responsibility to vote and has the tools they need readily available.”
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business federation representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as state and local chambers and industry associations.
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