News from: The Unforgettables Foundation
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Unforgettables Foundation’s 7th annual educational conference will convene virtually as a webinar on Friday, October 9 from 9:00 AM until approximately 12:30 PM. To register for free access to the Conference, go to www. Unforgettables.org and click on the Eventbrite registration form.
Speakers, panelists and audience members will focus on the dangers of screen time associated with the use of smartphones, computers, and social media.
Opal Singleton, President and CEO of Million Kids, will address the dangers of social media exploitation and how to keep kids safe from predators. Ms. Singleton has trained more than 250,000 government and individual leaders about child sex trafficking, pornography and social media exploitation. She often appears on television and radio talk shows across the United States on these subjects.
Anthony Silard, professor at Cal State San Bernardino, is an award winning scholar, author, international consultant and coach/trainer. Dr. Silard will speak on the topic “Screened In–The Art of Living Free in the Digital Age.” The first 100 conference registrants will receive a complimentary copy of his new book by the same title.
NBC Palm Springs News Anchor Thalia Hayden will moderate a panel discussion on “Combatting the Dangers of Screen Time.” Panelists include Marc Berman, Executive Director of Organization for Social Media Safety; Clark Morrow, Crime Prevention Program Coordinator for the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department; Eduardo Rivera, Instructional Technology Specialist for Palm Springs Unified School District; and Judith Monetathchi, Clinical Director for Jewish Family Service of the Desert.
The event will conclude with a “Lights for Little Lives” remembrance of local children taken from us, too soon, during the past year, including some whose families were assisted by The Unforgettables Foundation in their time of grief and loss.
The goal of the Children and Families in Crisis conference series is to save children’s lives by educating youth, parents, behavioral health and public safety educators, caregivers, medical and social service professionals, government officials and others about serious threats to the health and safety of children and teenagers.
Major sponsors of the 2020 conference include The Auen Foundation, H.N. & Frances C. Berger Foundation, Alexander & Sydney UBA, John & Judy Austin, DaVita Dialysis Clinics, Femmewalla, Inland Empire Community Foundation, Inland Empire Health Plan, OneLegacy Foundation, Royal Bank of Canada, Teserra Outdoors, and Versacare Foundation.
Previous topics in the Children and Families in Crisis conference series have been: “Youth Choices and Trauma”, “Bullying and Suicide Among Teens”, “Child Abuse in All Its Forms”, Trapped by Addiction: How To Find the Way Out”, “Life Saving Parenting: What Works and What Doesn’t,” and last year’s “When Kids Kill Other Kids”.
The Unforgettables Foundation, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization based in Redlands CA, was founded by Chaplain Tim Evans in 1999 to help low income families give their children a dignified burial. It has served more than 6,000 families in the Inland Empire over the past 20 years. Chapters of The Unforgettables Foundation are located in Nevada, Ohio, and Canada. For more information, contact Tim Evans at 909-335-1600 or tevans@theunforgettables.com.
Registration is open at www.unforgettables.org for the 7th Annual CHILDREN AND FAMILIES IN CRISIS conference presented by The Unforgettables Foundation.
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