News from CollegeCareerResults
With today’s complex college applications, skyrocketing tuition costs, uncertain job market for new grads, the college process can be a major dilemma giving frazzled, time-starved parents cause for grief. To help parents quickly get their teens up to speed on the admissions process, CollegeCareerResults a local education company, is providing a webinar series called, “Ten Steps to College”.
The webinar series will help students understand key topics including:
– Career Assessments: Know what makes you tick before selecting college majors
– Research college websites and create a targeted list based on fact not hype
– Construct resumes to look like a rock star
– Create a LinkedIn account – the new necessity for college-bound teens
– Search for scholarships in all the right places
– Write essays and prompts that could only belong to you
This is a NON-ANXIETY program to cut through the college chatter for high achieving teens who want to launch fabulously in college, graduate with professional careers they love, and have the rich life they deserve.
Sign your college-bound teen for six weekly one-hour live webinar sessions.
When: Wednesday from 7 to 8 PM; January 9th through February 12th
Enrollment Fee: $198.00 plus $97 for materials
RSVP: Email Elizabeth@collegecareerresults.com or call 949.636.9055
Elizabeth Venturini from CollegeCareerResults is recognized as an international “go to” expert. She is dedicated to helping families do all they can to ensure their child gets every advantage in the competitive admissions process. Elizabeth is a personal lifeline for parents to help guide their college-bound students and make smart choices that pay off for a fulfilling career. For more information on CollegeCareerResults go to: www.collegecareerresults.com.
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