News from CalChamber Sacramento, CA: There are a few new and significant 2020 California employment laws that employers need to be aware of, as they may affect daily business operations, […]Read More
News from CalChamber Sacramento, CA: There are a few new and significant 2020 California employment laws that employers need to be aware of, as they may affect daily business operations, […]Read More
News from CalChamber Sacramento, CA: How much notice must I give my employees that I’m canceling a shift in order to avoid paying reporting time? Anytime an employee reports to work […]Read More
News from CalChamber Sacramento, CA: Our nonexempt employees answer texts and calls after-hours. Is this work time and how much time would we pay for a 5-minute call, for example? Yes, […]Read More
News from the CalChamber: Payroll Tax Deduction, Exempt Classification Rates Will Rise in 2018 For 2018, the Social Security Administration announced that the Social Security taxable wage base will rise […]Read More