The Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce has compiled a list of resources for local businesses, employees and the general public to help them through the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Small Business or Independent Contractor Assistance
Th best, most current source of information on financial aide and assistance available to local businesses can be found on the County of Riverside Business and Community Services page located online at rivcoccsd.org
My Business is struggling financially due to the shutdown and we need assistance?
We recommend you contact the local SBDC (Small Business Development Office) or SBA (Small Business Administration) for available financial assistance. They can discuss federal and state programs with you that you may qualify for. Due to the current crises, there is an unprecedented amount of assistance available to businesses that are experiencing economic hardship. An SBDC or SBA business consultant will assess your business free of charge, taking you through a series of questions to understand the effects of COVID-19 on your business. Based on your answers, they will discuss the best possible programs available to you.
You can contact the SBDC by phone at (800) 616-7232, or you can visit them online at coachellavalleysbdc.org.
You can contact the SBA by phone at (714) 550-7420 or you can visit them online at sba.gov.
*Note – if you identify as a contractor, independent contractor, or small business proprietor, you may be eligible for Unemployment Benefits, depending on their unique situation. If you are unsure if you qualify, we recommend you contact CA EDD by phone at (800)300-5616 (English), or (800) 326-8937 (Spanish). You may also qualify under the Small Business Assistance programs described above, again depending on your unique circumstance. It is important you seek out all remedies that may be available to you.
What steps do I need to take to protect my employees or myself during the current crises?
The current COVID-19 crises has created several challenges for employers, from necessary safety precautions to understanding if they should even be open for business. For answers to these specific questions and general updates on the COVID-19 situation, we recommend you visit the County of Riverside Economic Development Departments online at rivcoccsd.org. While no site has all the information on it, this site is the most complete one stop resource we have found locally.
Additional Resources for Business
California Chamber of Commerce can be visited online at calchamber.com
United State Chamber of Commerce can be visited online at uschamber.com
State of California Office of Business can be visited online at business.ca.gov
Employee Assistance
I have been laid off or experienced some other form of economic injury?
Unemployment Claim
If you have lost your job, you should file an Unemployment claim in the first week that you lose your job or have your hours reduced. Your claim begins on the Sunday of the week you submitted your application, so it is important you file the claim quickly.
To file an unemployment claim contact CA EDD (Employment Development Department). They can assist you with filing a claim, as well as offering resources for finding employment. You can call them at (800) 300-5616 (English), or (800) 326-8937 (Spansih).
You can also do the process online at edd.ca.gov, on the home page click “Claims” at the top of the page, then under the heading “Unemployment Insurance”, click “File a new UI Claim”, the navigate down that age to “How to File a Claim”, and click “Online” (the tab will expand), then click “UI Online” to begin the process.
Insurance Assistance
I need access to insurance for myself or my family?
Covered California
If you do not have medical insurance, or have lost your insurance, you should contact Covered California. Covered California is a State run insurance program.
They can be contacted by phone at (800) 300-1506, you can also visit them online at coveredca.com
Some callers with limited or no income may qualify for low-cost or no-cost coverage through Medical. Covered California is the state’s health insurance marketplace where Californians can shop for health plans and access financial assistance if they qualify for it. Health plans available through Medi-Cal and Covered California both offer a similar set of important benefits. The Covered California website and phone number offer support for Medi-Cal as well.
I need help with a Utility related question?
Below are is local contact information for essential services – water, gas, electric.
CVWD – by phone at (760) 398-2651, or online at cvwd.org
Indio Water Authority (Indio) – by phone at (760) 391-4038, or online at indio.org
Mission Springs Water District (DHS) – by phone at (760) 329-6448, or online at mswd.org
Desert Water Agency (PS and CC) – by phone at (760) 323-4971, or online at dwa.org
IID (Washington St – all points east) – by phone at (760) 335-3640, or online at iid.com
So Cal Edison (Washing St – all points west) – by phone at (800) 655-4555, or online at sce.com
So Cal Gas – by phone at (800) 427-2200, or online at socalgas.com
COVID-19 General Resources – Public
I want more information about COVID-19?
We recommend you follow two sites for the latest information on COVID-19. The first is the CDC (Center for Disease Control). The CDC is tracking the pandemic nationally and globally and has the most up-to-date information on the health aspects of this disease. They can be found online at cdc.gov. For local information on COVID-19, we recommend you visit the Riverside County Health Department online at rivcoph.org.
I think I may be infected, what do I do?
If you think you have been exposed to COVID‑19 or develop symptoms associated with the illness, call your healthcare provider for medical advice immediately. If you are experiencing a health emergency, please seek emergency assistance by dialing 9-1-1.
Where can I get tested for COVID-19?
Riverside County is encouraging the public to get tested for COVID-19, regardless of the presence of symptoms. For additional information on testing and other options available locally, please visit the Riverside County Health Department online at rivcoph.org for testing sites near you.
Does my city offer any assistance related to the COVID-19 emergency?
Depending on the area you live in, general inquiries may be directed to the below local jurisdictions:
Cathedral City – (760) 770-0300
Coachella – (760) 836-3215
Desert Hot Springs – (760) 329-2904
Indian Wells – (760) 836-3215
Indio – (760) 391-4057
La Quinta – (760) 863-8990
Palm Desert – (760) 836-1600
Palm Springs – (760) 323-8116
Rancho Mirage – (760) 836-1600
Unincorporated Riverside County Areas – (760) 836-1600
General Assistance
Where can I find stores/services that are open in my area?
If you need help finding a restaurant that is open, visit visitgreaterpalmsprings.com/stay-in-take-out
If you have questions about what “essential services” are still open and available to you, operations that should still be open in your area include:
Medical Services
Grocery Stores and Pharmacies
Hardware Stores
Auto Repair
Restaurant Take Out
Emergency Services
and more…
Riverside County generally keeps a list of what business operations are currently opened and closed on their website located online at rivcoccsd.org.
If you need more information about stores that offer special senior hours, visit the following site online at visitgreaterpalmsprings.com/seniors-first
I have an issue with housing or rent related eviction?
Contact the Inland Empire Fair Housing and Mediation Board by phone at (800) 321-0911 for issues involving a landlord. For assistance with rent payment, you may qualify fr local rent assistance. We recommend you contact Lift to Rise, a local non-profit organization, that can be reached by phone at (760) 348-8135 or online at lifttorise.org.
I have contacted the agencies above and am still having issues getting help?
If you have contacted the above resources and you are still experiencing difficulties finding answers to your questions or receiving assitance, we recommend you contact you local elected representative for help.
Issues within the State of California
Most of Riverside County Unincorporated, Indio, Coachella, Cathedral City, and Desert Hot Springs, contact the office of Assmeblymember Eduardo Garcia at (760) 347-2360.
Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, Indian Wells, Palm Desert, and La Quinta, contact the office of Assemblymember Chad Mayes at (760) 346-6342.
Issues with Federal Agencies or Assistance Programs
Contact the office of Congressman Raul Ruiz at (760) 424-8888.
For questions regarding any of the above information, please contact the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce at (760) 347-0676.
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