News from: SBDC and City of Cathedral City
In support of Cathedral City (and surrounding area) entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs, the SBDC is sponsoring and Cathedral City is hosting no-cost bilingual consulting services. If you know anyone with a business, or someone who is thinking of starting a business, this is a fantastic opportunity for completely free consulting services facilitated by a well-educated and experienced consultant. These no-cost consulting services may continue for as long as the business owner and the SBDC consultant agree to receive and provide said services.
Introductory office hours will be held in the ground floor lobby of City Hall on the last Thursday of each month, or as needed and agreed to between the consultant and business owner. In addition to these office hours, interested parties can contact the consultant any time during the month to schedule an introductory meeting.
Please send out the attached flyer to as many people as you can. The more clients we can get, the more support services, funding, and recognition our local SBDC will receive.
Thank you for your support and commitment to better educating and improving the businesses within Cathedral City and the surrounding communities. Additionally, thank you to SBDC for your support and for providing this valuable service.
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