News from GCVCC
Give credit where it is due. Nominate outstanding Indio businesses and individuals for the upcoming State of the City Address Luncheon, Awards & EXPO. Deadline is September 4, 2017 at 4:30 pm.
What businesses in Indio should be recognized and why? What community leaders have truly made an impact on our City of Festivals? Who has helped the city shine bright? This is a great chance to thank them for their hard work and efforts in making Indio what it is today.
Greater Coachella Valley Chamber is actively collecting the nominations for the Indio Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.
Send in your nominations to The Chamber at Info@gcvcc.org with the subject line: Indio Business Awards Luncheon. You may also make your reservations for the event at the same email address. This is a sell out event, reserve early!
The event information is as follows:
Indio State of the City Luncheon, Awards & EXPO
October 19, 2017
Business Expo and Check-in will be from 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Ballroom Doors will open after 11:30 am, program will begin at 11:45 am.
PLEASE RSVP early! Call Dawn Mason 760-347-0676 ext. 103 or email your RSVP to dawn.mason@gcvcc.org
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