News from General Patton Museum:
Chiriaco Summit, CA: The General Patton Memorial Museum will hold its 29th annual Veterans Day Celebration. Museum opens at 9:30 program begins at 11:00am with flyover of Warbirds West.
Enjoy the day with us and you’ll see the dedication of a brand new military tank pavilion and the progress on our brand new Chandi west wing expansion.
We render special honors to our Veteran, Mt. Robert Izumi, a three war Veteran, WWII, Korea and Vietnam in this special tribute and we will also honor Palm Springs resident Harold Matzner for his generous donation of the new tank pavilion.
Please join us at the George S. Patton Museum as Supervisor V. Manual Perez honors our veterans and special guests.
Military music, special guest speakers, Chili cook off, gifts and even tank rides and much more as we honor our Veterans for their service and sacrifices.
Admission to the Museum is waived for all who attend the Veterans Day ceremony.
Special thanks to all our sponsors and supporters!
We are located at 62-510 Chiriaco Summit Road, Chiriaco Summit, California 92201. Take the I-10 Freeway heading East from Indio, watch for the signs.
For media inquiries please do not hesitate to contact Michael Ables and Margit Chiriaco Rusche at 316.253.0869 and 760.485.1576 or by email at mables@generalpattonmuseum.com and mchiriacor@aol.com
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