News from Indio Rotary:
October 24, 2016 – INDIO, CA –Another school year has begun. With that, the Indio Rotary Club continues their proud tradition of visiting Indio Elementary Schools over the past few weeks spending time with the Third Grade classes.
Each bright-eyed Third Grader received their very own Webster Dictionary. For many of these students, this may be their very first book that they now own. Representatives from the Indio Rotary Club distributed the books and helped explain to these scholars the magical tool they now possess – words with their meanings at their fingertips. To demonstrate this new-found power, the students would call out words that interested them and the Rotarian would find their word and shared with them the meaning and examples on how to use the word. In addition, these Deluxe Versions of the Dictionary included world maps, historical references, statistics on major world centers and cities along with facts and statistics about the US.
Indio Rotary Club President Stacy Fifield said, “This is one of the most exciting projects we work on each year. The excitement and pride exhibited by these third graders is magical and reminds us why we are Rotarians. These are our future leaders and Rotary, through their various programs, is focused on helping them achieve greatness.”
The schools in the program served by the Indio Rotary Club included Carrillo Ranch Elementary, Carreon Academy, Johnson Elementary, Roosevelt Elementary, Mountain Vista Elementary, and Hoover Elementary. Working with sister club, Indio Sunrise, over 2,000 new dictionaries were distributed so that all Indio Third Graders received the gift of words from a Rotarian.
About Indio Rotary
The Indio Rotary Club is the fun loving service club that since 1949 has been working to help make Indio and the world a better place. Our group of civic leaders share their time and energy to support our community. We meet weekly to network, hear speakers on various subjects and work on service projects including the Coachella Valley Middle School Math Field Day, Dictionaries for Indio Third Graders, and Scholarships for Indio Students. We meet Tuesdays at Noon in the Special Events Center at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino. Our club is always open to new members who would like to participate in the activities. For more information, e-mail us at IndioRotary@gmail.com or follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/IndioRotary or on Twitter @IndioRotaryClub. “Service Above Self”
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