News from the City of Indio
Indio, CA: In order to keep the public updated about the Interstate 10/Monroe Street project, the Draft Initial Study/Environmental Assessment (IS/EA) is now available for review and download.
In addition, a public outreach virtual hearing with CalTrans and the City of Indio is scheduled for June 9, 2020, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please go to the City of Indio’s website for the Zoom meeting ID and instructions prior to June 9, 2020.
If you are unable to participate in the virtual hearing, and have comments about the IS/EA, please submit your comments in writing no later than June 22, 2020 to:
California Department of Transportation, ATTN: Renetta Cloud, Senior Environmental Planner 464 W 4th Street, 6th Floor, MS 823 San Bernardino, CA 92401
or via e-mail to: Interstate10_Monroe_Int@dot.ca.gov. Please include “Interstate 10 Monroe” in the subject line.
If there are no major objections, Caltrans will proceed with the project’s design.
To attend the virtual hearing on June 9 at 4:00 p.m. without internet access, use the following call-in numbers:
- English – (253) 215-8782 and enter the Webinar ID: 953 6052 2503
- Spanish – (872) 240-3311 and enter the Access Code: 126-113-853
The public review period runs from May 22- June 22, 2020.
Caltrans, the City of Indio, and Riverside County are considering three alternatives for the interchange, which will be presented at the meeting.
“Alternative 1” is no change to the interchange, “Alternative 2” is a tight-diamond design, and “Alternative 4” is a diverging-diamond design.
The proposed changes include redesigning existing on- and off-ramps, the I-10/Monroe Street bridge overcrossing and the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel bridge; adding an eastbound auxiliary lane between the Monroe Street and Jackson Street interchanges; adding acceleration and deceleration lanes at the westbound Monroe Street on- and off-ramps and a deceleration lane at the eastbound Monroe Street off-ramp.
The current estimated project cost is between $63-$65 million, and construction is scheduled to begin in late 2023.
View Alternative 2 (Tight Diamond Interchange)
View Alternative 4 (Diverging Diamond Interchange)
Read the Public Notice in English y en Español
Read the Draft Initial Study/Environmental Assessment
Read the Draft Project Report
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