INDIO, CA: With the conclusion of the world’s most famous music festivals in Indio, all construction work on the Highway 111 Street Improvement Project in Indio resumes on Tuesday, May 1st and will continue through Thanksgiving. The next phase of the project will be from Las Palmas Road to Rubidoux Street, which is scheduled from May 1st to June 29th. Then from Granada Drive to Las Palms Road from June 14th to August 17th, and the intersection of Madison Street from July 23rd to September 28th. Final paving and striping will take place from October 1st to November 15th throughout the entire length of the project area.
The reconstruction of a two-mile section of Highway 111 between Rubidoux Street to west of Madison Street began in January to widen the roadway to three lanes in each direction; and to replace and upgrade pavement, traffic signals, sidewalks, driveways and access ramps. During construction, certain traffic lanes in each direction will remain open at all times to provide access to businesses. Construction is being performed in segments to minimize traffic impacts. However, there may be times driveways and side streets may be closed, or utility or traffic signal work will be performed so please adhere to traffic signs and notices.
The Highway 111 Street Improvement Project in Indio will increase safety for drivers and pedestrians, improve access to local businesses, prepare for future economic development projects, and accommodate future traffic with thousands of people visiting and moving to Indio every year as the largest and fastest growing city in eastern Riverside County.
This $10.3 million project is funded by: the City of Indio through Measure X sales tax; Coachella Valley Association of Governments through Measure A and the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee; Riverside County through Measure A; State of California through SB 1 (Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017) and the Transportation Development Act (Article 3 – SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program); and the Federal government through the Federal Surface Transportation Program.
For further information on the Highway 111 Street Improvement Project, please contact Martin Phillips, Construction Manager of TY Lin, at (760) 533-8119 or martin.phillips@tylin.com.
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