GCVCC Business Legislative Advocacy Update
GCVCC Supports H.R. 7671
The GCVCC supports H.R. 7671, the Small Business Comeback Act that will establish a Recovery Fund to help American enterprise.
Right now, our economy is at a critical juncture, with shuttered storefronts and historic work disruption. Everywhere we look, we are seeing the effects of tremendous economic tumult. This has been especially true of our small business community that has endured not only a shutdown, but a second round of “dimming”. These businesses require urgent help. The Small Business Comeback Act will help ensure businesses have the flexibility and certainty necessary to recover successfully.
The Small Business Comeback Act will directly assist businesses and provide capital to help them recover. In particular, the Recovery Fund established by The Small Business Comeback Act will provide liquidity to help them reopen, rehire employees, and pay operating expenses like rent, utilities, taxes, and all the new costs associated with adjusting to a COVID-19 world.
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