GCVCC Legislative Update
GCVCC Supports AB 3279
The GCVCC is pleased to SUPPORT AB 3279 as amended, which would make improvements to the CEQA process and allow more housing to be built with less unnecessary delays. Specifically, the bill preserves all CEQA substantive environmental requirements while expediting the CEQA litigation process by improving the preparation of the administrative record process, reducing the time petitioners take to file briefs from 3 months to 2 months, and codifying the court’s authority to issue interlocutory remand orders. The most recent amendments were taken to address concerns that interlocutory remand orders are not final judgments, to address concerns regarding costs related to administrative record preparation, and to strike the language moving up the time frame a hearing must be requested by petitioners. AB 3279 as amended continues to maintain the statute’s existing environmental safeguards while making meaningful changes to CEQA litigation procedures to eliminate known abuses to the statute that delay or block projects for reasons unrelated to environmental protection.
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