GCVCC Legislative Update
GCVCC Opposes AB 1947
The GCVCC respectfully opposes AB 1947 (Kalra), as it undermines the essence of the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement’s (DSLE) complaint process by requiring a one-sided attorney’s fee provision that will incentivize additional litigation.
Labor Code Section 1102.5 protects an employee who provides information and has reason to believe the
information discloses a violation of the law. These employees are referred to as “whistleblowers”.
Whistleblower retaliation occurs when an employee engages in this lawful activity yet suffers an adverse
employment action because he or she engaged in this protected activity. Labor Code Section 98.7 sets
forth a detailed process regarding how these complaints are handled. These procedures have safeguards
for employees to ensure that there is adequate opportunity to present evidence in a timely and efficient
manner and pursue an appeal or litigation if necessary.
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