The GCVCC has been chronicling its joint efforts with members to help take care of our community during the COVID-19 crises. Below is a message from one of our members, Anthony Rojas.
Click HERE to see the KESQ News report on the below.
I am a local street food vendor in the Coachella Valley. During this pandemic it has been extremely hard for everyone, not only here in the Coachella Valley, but all over the world. As I watched the news and events unfold, I kept wondering how I could help. While staying inside during the quarantine, it is easy to feel like there’s nothing I can do. But that changed when I heard people talking about local medical staff working long shifts and in need of support. I knew this was an opportunity for me to use my skills to help our First Responders. As a member of the GCVCC, my very first call was to Rebecca Rizzo to share my ideas with her. She loved it and without hesitation jumped on board to help me!
My next few call were to my street food vendor friends. Just like Rebecca, they were on board. Some of them I only knew through social media, but our community all responded like old friends. With my network and the people we collectively know, we got three restaurants to donate their kitchen for use along with room in their cold storage for preparation. I also connected with two additional chefs who were willing to assist us.
I truly cannot have done this without the help of the Chamber and all the volunteers in our great community. This project has reminded me of the strength within our community, and inspired me to create #COACHELLAVALLEYSTRONG.
I want to thank all of my partners that helped to deliver food to Desert Care Network hospitals in Palm Springs and Indio, as well as the temporary medical facility located at the Riverside County Fairgrounds.
Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce
Chad 533 Fusion
Growing Coachella Valley
Leadership Coachella Valley
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