Monday Morning KaffeeKlatsch with Marianne & Katie

venus de fido 73600 Alessandro Drive, Palm Desert, CA, United States

Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce (GCVCC) unveils a new networking event.......Quick start your week with some "secrets and surprises" for success. Join us for this Kaffee Klatsch at The Cafe at Venus de Fido. This event is FREE to attend, you just pay for your own coffee and/or food.

Lunch Bunch – Escena Lounge & Grill

Escena Lounge & Grill. Clubhouse View Dr, Palm Springs, CA, United States

Join the GCVCC for Lunch Bunch at Escena Lounge & Grill. Great food and networking. Bring a lot of business cards! Visit for more information about Escena. Hope to see you there!

GCVCC Tips & Tricks

GCVCC - Cathedral City Chamber office 68733 Perez Road, Cathedral City, CA, United States

An elevator speech is a persuasive speech that you use to spark interest. You use it to create interest your business and yourself. Your elevator speech should be interesting and memorable. It should explain what makes you or your business unique. A good elevator pitch should last no longer than a short elevator ride of […]