News from: CV Water Counts
CV Water Counts (CVWaterCounts.com), a collaborative of the valley’s six water agencies, has launched a Poster Contest to create awareness of the importance of water conservation.
The contest is open to all students in the Coachella Valley at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. They are invited to create a poster which depicts water being used wisely at home, in the community, or in the environment.
Students can submit their posters as jpgs or pdfs at CVWaterCounts.com/splashs-cv-water-counts-poster-contest or mail them to their water agency by October 21, 2020 – the 6th annual national “Imagine a Day Without Water.” Students are asked to include their name, age, grade, school, and contact phone number. If students are unsure who their water agency is, and where to mail their Poster, they can visit the CV Water Counts Water Map page at CVWaterCounts.com/water-map.
“Our goal is for students – and all residents – to recognize the importance of water – our most precious resource” said Xochitl Peña, spokesperson for CV Water Counts and Outreach Specialist for Desert Water Agency. “The CV Water Counts team is committed to promoting a water-wise valley lifestyle not just during a drought, but all the time.”
The six judges – one from each of the six Coachella Valley water agencies that make up CV Water Counts – will judge the posters based on creativity, originality, and spelling. One winning poster and one runner-up poster will be selected from each education level – elementary, middle, and high school – and awarded a gift card to a local Coachella Valley attraction, store, or restaurant.
This year’s winners will be announced online at CVWaterCounts.com on Friday, October 30th. The winning entries will be featured in a digital campaign, in CV Water Counts “Water Watch” e-Newsletter, on CVWaterCounts.com, and on all CV Water Counts and their water agencies’ social media channels.
About CV Water Counts
CV Water Counts is a non-profit collaborative that was formed to focus on water conservation, through awareness and education to Coachella Valley residents, businesses and government. It is comprised of the Coachella Valley’s six water agencies: City of Coachella/Coachella Water Authority (CWA), Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD), Desert Water Agency (DWA), City of Indio/Indio Water Authority (IWA), Mission Springs Water District (MSWD) and Myoma Dunes Water Company (MDWC). For more information, visit CVWaterCounts.com.
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