News from CollegeCareerResults:
CollegeCareerResults helps small to mid-size companies forget cutesy
company names and giveaway items and create a college recruiting
strategy to attract and hire the best college graduates
Cutesy company names and giveaways may attract some college graduates to
a company booth at a college career fair. But today’s hiring managers
expect HR to have a college recruiting strategy to know where and why
they are recruiting from certain colleges, so they can hire graduates
who will quickly add value to their organizations, says Elizabeth
Venturini, the College Career Strategist of CollegeCareerResults, a
leader in private college admissions consulting.
“HR departments want to hear one thing from happy, hiring managers:
“Find me another graduate like the last one.” With companies getting
ready to recruit starting in February, they have a way to attract
talented college graduates with a new affordable service, Bringing
College to Companies,” says Venturini.
Venturini is a respected expert in today’s complex college system. She
is well known for helping stressed-out parents get their teens in and
out of college with a job they will love so they don’t come back home as
boomerang kids. She adds, “Since I help get high achieving students into
the best colleges, I know where to find them when they are ready to
With Bringing College to Companies, Venturini is now providing her
college expertise to small and mid-sized companies that need a strategy
to build a strong campus presence but lack the in-house resources to
take advantage of hiring talented college graduates. Working on tight HR
budgets, limited personnel, and lack of college recruiting knowledge,
Bringing College to Companies can be an HR life line. Here are three
ways Elizabeth helps HR with college recruiting:
You are known by the company you keep. Have commonality with chosen
schools. Know their programs, faculty, clubs / organizations or the
schools’ personal values. These need to be in alignment to attract
graduates who will be a good job fit.
Put your best foot forward at college career fairs. Have the right
people representing the company, know the company’s hiring needs, and
the qualities and skills that make a good hiring fit between graduates
and the company.
Treat your brand like a person not like a job application. Build a
rapport with college applicants and follow up after the event. Show
respect to all applicants. You never know their relationship to college
administrators, faculty, parents, alumni or your company’s employees.
“There is a big need to help HR professionals develop a campus
recruiting strategy and process, navigate college career services,
create a campus brand, and provide job information new college grads
want and need,” says Venturini. “And if the demand for finding talented
employees continues to grow, companies will need an experienced college
consultant like me who can help companies define the qualities and
performance results they value; ensure the company’s message is clearly
articulated to hire the crème de la crème of talent; and, create a great
interview experience so new college graduates are thrilled at the
chance to work for their company.”
About College Career Strategist Elizabeth Venturini:
Since 2009, Elizabeth Venturini, the College Career Strategist gladly
supports stressed-out parents through the college admissions process.
Now she brings her college career expertise to help companies cut
through the college recruiting chatter, hire the best college graduates
who love their jobs and will tell all their friends how your company is
the best place to work. Elizabeth is the only private college admissions
consultant who has contributed to US News and World Report Best Colleges
for Graduate School 2018. Contact Elizabeth at
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