La Quinta, CA: The City of La Quinta is helping the business community get the word out that they are still open. Are you an essential business during the current COVID-19 emergency? Help the community see you with this free banner you can display outside of your business. For restaurants it lets people know you are offering “Takeout and Delivery”, for other essential establishments it announces you are “Open for Business”. These banners are designed to be displayed on the outside of your business or from a storefront window, depending on your individual storefront circumstances.
Order your banner HERE. Maximum one banner per business/location due to limited inventory. Orders will be fulfilled on a first come, first serve basis. The banner will be delivered to your door by the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce free of charge. The driver will call you on your cell or business phone to inform you it has arrived (please provide the number you prefer when ordering).
We appreciate the hard work and dedication being displayed by our La Quinta business community during this time of crises. Your City leadership hopes this program helps your efforts.
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