Message from City of La Quinta:
WHAT: The City of La Quinta is the promotional sponsor for the much-anticipated inaugural Chairs for Charity, a special fundraising event created by the Associates of Idyllwild Arts Foundation. The exhibit will feature one-of-kind chairs brought to life by 15 invited artists at the La Quinta Museum. The Chairs for Charity offers a variety of art mediums, including both 3-D and 2-D. Participating artists are from the desert communities and Idyllwild, including four students currently attending Idyllwild Arts Academy.
”The La Quinta Museum is honored to bring the Chairs for Charity event to the valley”, said La Quinta Museum Director, Robin Stewart. “It is a wonderful chance for desert residents to learn more about our friends at the Idyllwild Arts Academy. It is an opportunity to see the amazing work of 15 artists and their one-of-a-kind chairs created for the Idyllwild Arts Foundation scholarship fundraiser. Part of the Museum’s mission is to enrich the present and enhance the future, and it is through key partnerships like this that we are able to meet these goals.”
EXHIBIT: April 10th – May 20th
RECEPTION: May 3 from 5-7 p.m.
WHERE: The La Quinta Museum is located at 77-885 Avenida Montezuma, La Quinta, CA 92253
COST: Free to the Public
CONTACT: Call 951-659-2171 or visit www.associatesofiaf.org/chairsforcharity
Our artists from the Idyllwild, Palm Springs, and Idyllwild Arts Academy Communities: HaoTian Chang is a senior at Idyllwild Arts Academy who at a young age became …
LA QUINTA MUSEUM: The La Quinta Museum showcases the city’s history and cultural arts through displays on two floors. The local history gallery features dioramas depicting native animals and a Cahuilla village, as well as historical resort photos, reminding us of the attraction of the early desert. Experience new exhibits in the upstairs galleries and enjoy the 32-foot long mural of La Quinta, painted by André Blanché, in the community room. Visit the Museum Shop for books and unique items, many of them created by local artists.
IDYLLWILD ARTS FOUNDATION INFO: The Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundationis one of the oldest continuously-operating not-for-profit organizations in Idyllwild, California. The Idyllwild Arts Academy is an internationally-acclaimed college preparatory arts school. Over the past 50 years, the Associates have grown to over 200 members and have raised over $2.2 million dollars! All net proceeds raised support the Student Scholarship Fund of the Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program, an internationally recognized boarding high-school for the arts.
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