La Quinta, CA: The City of La Quinta is helping the business community get the word out that they are still open. Large signs are being deployed throughout the city to help residents identify who is open for business as part of “Essential Business” operations.
“I think it is a great idea,” says Chamber President and CEO Joshua Bonner. “The idea actually sourced from our Coachella Valley Economic Recovery Team being headed up by CVEP, Greater Palm Springs CVB, the GCVCC and other local agencies. The City of La Quinta was quick to act on the idea, and the Chamber was proud to support them with distribution.”
The free banners are larger than what most local sign ordinances would normally allow for, helping with visibility from nearby pedestrians and major transportation corridors. For restaurants, it lets people know they are offering “Takeout and Delivery”, for other essential establishments it announces they are “Open for Business”. These banners are designed to be displayed on the outside of a business, or from a storefront window, depending on the individual storefront circumstances.
La Quinta based businesses interested in taking advantage of this program can click HERE for more information.
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