News form the City of Coachella
Coachela, CA: The City of Coachella is pleased to be able to offer coronavirus funding relief to the community through this RFP opportunity. The funding categories are as follows (total amounts available in parenthesis):
- Housing and Economic Assistance ($200,000)
- Behavioral Health and Well-Being ($80,000)
- Youth Enrichment Nonprofit Assistance ($100,000)
- Small Business Assistance ($50,000)
At its regularly scheduled City Council meeting of July 22, 2020, the City Council of the City of Coachella discussed a Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) framework and established funding priorities. During the discussion, Council expressed overall interest in funding programs and projects that provide housing and economic relief (rent, mortgage, unmet funeral expenses, and utility bill assistance); small business assistance; offer opportunities for youth enrichment; and mental health/emotional well-being. The deadline for expending CRF funds is December 30, 2020. Given this short time frame, city staff developed an implementation process for immediate CRF funding. Lastly, all proposed projects/activities must have a legitimate and justifiable nexus to COVID-19.
Thank you for your consideration–should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Dr. Gabriel Martin will also field questions pertaining to businesses–he can be reached via email at: gmartin@coachella.org
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