News from CC Senior Center:
Third Annual Benefit Pasta Dinner Friday, Oct. 26 – 6 PM
The Cathedral City Senior Center is hosting its third annual benefit Pasta Dinner on Friday, Oct. 26. The Pasta Suprema! event helps underwrite general operating expenses of the Senior Center.
An elegant pasta and sauce bar is being hosted by primary event sponsor Nicolino’s Fine Italian Restaurant. This is no typical “spaghetti feed,” points out Mark Carnevale, owner of the restaurant.
“Guests can select their own favorites from an array of pastas, sausages, meatballs and delicious sauces,” he says.
A no-host wine and beer bar will also be available, along with a hosted dessert bar. In addition, there will be a silent auction and raffle. The event will take place in the Senior Center’s main room and adjoining patio.
Executive Director Bob McKechnie says, “We have been very fortunate the past year to gain many new sponsors and friends and acquire grants for specific programs for seniors. The hardest part is finding money for general operating expenses. Somehow, we have to be able to pay for the utilities, phone, internet, staffing, etc. So, these kinds of programs like the Pasta Suprema! help out tremendously!
Tickets are just $35 per person and are available by calling the Cathedral City Senior Center at 760-321-1548. The price includes dinner, salad, bread and dessert. There will be continuous dinner seating between 6 pm and 8:30 pm.
Gillian Cross, President of the Senior Center’s Board says, “We realize we’re not a big organization even compared to the other local senior centers. So, our Board made the concerted decision to have three to four smaller fundraising events a year rather than trying to rely upon one large gala for our funding. For us, these three or four events are manageable with our limited staff, nine-person board of directors and dozens of dedicated volunteers.
“Our next event will be our 2nd Chili Cook Off which will be held in the first quarter of 2019,” says Gillian Cross. “We also rely upon our periodic rummage and Boutique sales – which are completely volunteer run – to help boost the income budget.”
The Cathedral City Senior Center is a nonprofit organization – 501 (c)(3). Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by IRS rules and regulations.
It is located at 37-171 West Buddy Rogers Ave. – Cathedral City, CA 92234 across Highway 111 from the Cathedral City City Hall Complex.
Call 760-321-1548 for more information.
Follow us on Facebook: Cathedral City Senior Center Website: CathedralCitySenior.Center Mission
The mission of the Cathedral City Senior Center is to improve the quality of life for seniors 50+ living in Cathedral City and the surrounding communities. The purpose of the center is to assist all seniors from the active to the home-bound by providing services that channel energy, relieve suffering, and foster health, happiness, and well-being.
The Cathedral City Senior Center is filled with a diversity of friendly, smiling, and happy people 50+ years, taking part of in challenging, enriching and supportive activities in a state-of-the-art facility with space to accommodate relevant programs and services
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