News from the SBA The Coachella Valley SBA is helping local businesses stay up to date with disaster relief options and resources. There are two ways to stay up to […]Read More
News from the SBA The Coachella Valley SBA is helping local businesses stay up to date with disaster relief options and resources. There are two ways to stay up to […]Read More
News from CVEP Valley’s Only All-Local News/Talk Source Helps Region’s Businesses Palm Springs, CA: iHub Radio, the all-digital news, talk and entertainment radio station that exclusively serves the Coachella Valley region […]Read More
News from SoCalGas SoCalGas CAREs reminds customers they can qualify to save 20 percent on their monthly utility bills through CARE Los Angeles, CA: – Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) […]Read More
News from Chandi Group USA Indio, CA: In an effort to help Coachella Valley residents affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19), Chandi Group USA partnered with local Sikh temple Gurdwara Sahib […]Read More
News from the Governor’s Office Federal government offering first-come, first-serve loans of up to $10 million for small employers Governor Newsom announces $50 million in loan guarantees for small businesses […]Read More
News from the Money Protector La Quinta, CA: The economic fallout and reverberations from the Coronavirus will take quite some time, and no prognosticator can say with 100 percent accuracy when […]Read More