News from the GCVCC
Sacramento, CA: The GCVCC has taken a position of support on AB 1366 (Gonzales). Below is a text of our letter. A copy of the letter can be found here: AB 1366 Support
Sept. 3, 2019
The Honorable Gavin Newsom
State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, California 95814
RE: AB 1366 (Gonzalez) – Support
Dear Governor Newsom,
I am writing on behalf of the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce (GCVCC) in strong support of Assembly Bill 1366 by Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez. This bill continues California’s progressive policy, signed by Governor Jerry Brown in 2012, giving the Legislature the authority to protect consumers and help expand digital opportunity for all Californians.
The GCVCC is a business membership organization representing the Coachella Valley and our over 1,400 local business members. We support our members through legislative advocacy, education, networking, and other community-based opportunities. The Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce is a registered 501c6 non-profit supported through member investments.
Today, Californians from all backgrounds and socioeconomic communities rely on Internet-based apps and technologies to communicate with loved ones at home and abroad, access important educational opportunities, and connect with healthcare providers. This is why AB 1366 is critical. It reaffirms California’s successful policy that the Legislature—not the California Public Utilities Commission—sets state Internet policy.
By continuing this policy, we empower the Legislature to quickly respond to the needs of consumers. As previously recognized by policymakers, the CPUC cannot regulate the Internet or growing communications technologies, such as mobile apps or video calling services. They lack the knowledge, expertise, and authority. The CPUC often takes years, sometimes decades, to enact regulations. Adding new regulatory authority to an already overburdened CPUC will be costly to the State and undermine California’s innovation economy.
Recent amendments to AB 1366 further strengthen consumer protections and public safety, including new service restoration standards, battery backup disclosure requirements, and outage reporting requirements.
Renewing the Legislature’s successful and forward-looking Internet policy will continue to benefit consumers and advance digital opportunities for all Californians. For these reasons and more, we respectfully ask you to sign AB 1366.
Diana Soto
VP, Director of Public Policy
(760) 347-0676
82-921 Indio Blvd.
Indio, CA 92201
Anthony Williams, Legislative Secretary
Rachel Wagoner, Deputy Legislative Secretary
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