News from AAF:
The AAF Government Affairs Team recently issued the following all clubs memo.
The California legislature is fast approaching its adjournment date of September 13. This is the last chance for lawmakers to make corrections to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) before it goes into effect on January 1, 2020.
Senate Majority Leader Robert Hertzberg (D-San Fernando Valley) has expressed a willingness to consider an amendment which we believe would be an important and consumer friendly improvement to the CCPA.
As currently written, the CCPA could lessen consumer privacy by forcing companies to personally identify consumers who they currently only recognize though nonidentifiable text IDs and cookies. The attached handout and the https://www.fixccpa.com/ website go into more detail about the problem and our solution.
It is very important that Senator Hertzberg hears from the industry about our concerns and is encouraged to support the amendment.
Please email or tweet Senator Hertzberg (suggested text below) and ask him to support https://www.fixccpa.com/.
Suggested Tweets
@SenateHertzberg Half a million California jobs depend on the digital ad economy, according to @IAB Econ Value Study. Your leadership can protect those jobs and improve CCPA by distinguishing real names from non-identifiable ad IDs. Please consider: www.fixCCPA.com
@SenateHertzberg CCPA should not hurt privacy by forcing companies by connecting real names to non-identifiable cookies and ad IDs. Help us find a better solution to protect privacy and fix CCPA. Thank you for your leadership. www.fixCCPA.com
@SenateHertzberg LA is a global powerhouse for tech startups and ad-supported content providers. Help us protect LA innovation by not forcing companies to connect non-identifiable ad IDs to real names. There is a better way: www.fixCCPA.com
@SenateHertzberg The ad-supported internet employs 123,982 people in LA County alone, according to the @IAB Econ Value Study. A common-sense compromise can protect those jobs and strengthen CCPA. A solution is in reach: www.fixCCPA.com
Suggested E-mail Template
Dear Senator Hertzberg,
We write to you as [ROLE IN DIGITAL AD INDUSTRY] to ask for your urgent assistance in fixing an issue in the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) that could hurt user privacy and put thousands of California jobs at risk.
As enacted, the CCPA could force businesses to connect non-identifiable cookies and ad IDs with the real people associated with any data they hold. This would break down the privacy-protective architecture of the Internet, undermine user privacy, and create new vulnerabilities for both data leakage and malicious actors.
Beyond the structure damage it would cause to user privacy, this language would put more than half a million California jobs at risk, including more than 120,000 in LA County, according to a recent IAB Economic Value Study.
You are California’s last, best hope for finding a solution to address this issue before the law goes into effect and forces businesses to violate the privacy of millions of Californians under this illogical requirement of the CCPA.
We urge you to help reinforce existing privacy protections by helping pass an amendment that does not require companies to connect non-identifiable personal information to user identities, while implementing technical and organizational safeguards to prevent it.
An amendment has been proposed that we believe would address this issue in a way that strengthens consumer privacy and protects California’s digital economy. That proposed amendment can be seen at www.fixccpa.com.
Please help us address this issue and ensure the Internet of the future doesn’t violate user privacy by design. Thank you for your leadership.
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