News from the City of La Quinta
La Quinta, CA: Over the past several weeks, like many other cities, staff from the City of La Quinta have met to discuss COVID-19. We are working to understand and take precautions on how to protect our community and local businesses, as we understand the concerns many people are feeling. The safety of our residents, staff and businesses
remain our priority. With that said, we are making the necessary adjustments to our work and operations at City Hall and beyond.
Although the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has not issued a warning or travel restrictions anywhere in the United States, the City is creating a safe and productive environment in the following ways:
• Requesting employees stay home when they or their family members have a fever or are sick
• Reschedule and/or using alternate platforms for non-essential meetings
• Additional hand sanitizing locations throughout City Hall and City buildings
• Implementing sanitizing in common areas multiple times daily
• Educating staff on symptoms of COVID-19
• Focused cleaning and sanitizing of City Hall, Library, Museum and Wellness Center
While the entire City is open for business, we recognize that some residents may not be comfortable leaving their homes. We have many City services that are available online and staff is ready to assist.
City Clerk Services: www.laquintaca.gov/cityclerk
Code Compliance Services: www.laquintaca.gov/code
Emergency Services: www.laquintaca.gov/EM
Hub Services: www.laquintaca.gov/HUB
GoRequest Services: www.laquintaca.gov/gorequest
Short Term Vacation Rental: www.laquintaca.gov/STVR
City Hall Main Phone Number: (760) 777-7000
Additionally, please know that we participate in County, State and National calls, ensuring we have the latest information available on COVID-19. While health and safety is our number one priority, we also recognize the impact COVID-19 will likely have on our local economy. We are currently discussing strategies to support our local businesses and residents due to the cancellations of several large events in our Valley.
We invite your input at our next City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 4pm. We will have a Study Session to gather input from our residents and businesses on how to collaborate and promote the amenities and services in La Quinta. You may also submit written comments prior to the council meeting which will be read and
incorporated into public record by emailing Monika Radeva, City Clerk at mradeva@laquintaca.gov by 2 PM on March 17th.
Per the Riverside County Public Health Officer, the immediate risk to the general public in Riverside County is low. However, while this situation is constantly changing, the City Council and Staff are closely monitoring the updates in order to best serve the public, our partners, and our community. For more information visit www.cdc.org or www.rivcoph.org.
Thank You,
Linda Evans, Mayor
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